December Plinker Plus Scores!

December Plinker Plus Match Results:
.22 Target Class:
1st Bill L.
2nd David W.
3rd Richard H.
.22 Plinker Class:
1st Richard H.
2nd Robert M.
3rd David W.
AR Optics Class:
1st Bill L.
2nd Chris S.
3rd Mike D.
AR open Sight Class
Due to the cold weather we have suspended the bonus match, until more
Thanks to everyone who came out to shoot this weekend, it was fun to see everyone bundled up like snowmen, shooting in a windstorm !! We ALL had a great time!
If you have never shot in one of our Plinker Plus Matches please consider it in 2019 it’s cost $5.00 per Class, you can shoot any and as many classes as you want, if you shoot every class your total is only $20.00, if you shoot one class you total is only $5.00. First timers also get a special deal!! (surprise) Also, if you are not ready to shoot, come watch, and I’ll bet someone puts a gun in your hand to shoot! We shoot every 4th Saturday and try to start at 9:00 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone, be safe, and God Bless you all!
David W.