Happy New Year TGC Members and guests! Welcome to 2016, we hope this is the our best year ever as we continue to make improvements to the range in the new year. » Read more
A Place for Shooters in the Ark-La-Tex!
Happy New Year TGC Members and guests! Welcome to 2016, we hope this is the our best year ever as we continue to make improvements to the range in the new year. » Read more
Thanks to BSA Troop 3 for coming out today and raising our new flag up the new flag pole. As you can see they did an admirable job. » Read more
This Tuesday, March 24, is our regular 4th Tuesday meeting night at the Knights of Columbus Hall on  Waterall St, in Texarkana. (See Map) The meeting will start at 6:30, we hope to see you there!
At the January, 2015 club meeting on Tuesday, January 27 your TGC approved the purchase of all materials needed to start using the ParctiScore System in the IPSC/USPSA and Steel Challenge matches and any other match that the software will support. Our goal is to have it up and running in time for the 2015 shooting season.
(See Schedule)
This system will enable TGC to sign up shooters in advance of a match as well as the day of, and for the shooters to get the match results before they head home.
We also welcome 11 new members in January! Your gun club is growing.
Tonight, Tuesday, January 27, is our first Club meeting of 2015. If you want to join be sure you bring your paperwork, NRA member number, CHL if applicable. For more complete information about joining click here.
The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 1801 Waterall St. just off New Boston Rd in Texarakana, Texas.
Hope to see you there!
Anyone interested in becoming a USPSA Certified Range Officer, now is the time to sign up. » Read more