‘End Of Year All-Steel Powder Burn Bang & Clang’ – Are You Signed Up Yet?

Don’t let your ammo and powder get too old, it’s time to rotate it out so you can replace it with fresh ammo in the new year. But what to do with all of the old ammo and powder? Here’s an idea! Join your Texarkana Gun Club Saturday, December 29 for the “End Of Year All-Steel Powder Burn Bang & Clang!”
We’re dragging out every piece of steel we can find for this one, Texas Stars to plate racks and everything in between, if it goes clang when you shoot it, then we’ll find a stage to put it in. It should be about 150 pieces of steel.
Scoring for the match will be a USPSA-styled move and shoot match. However, this is an Outlaw Match and will not be sanctioned.
Shoot what ya got! .22 handguns, .22 rifles, 9mm Production, Limited, .40, .45, Pistol Caliber Carbine, etc. If it’s legal to shoot in USPSA or Steel Challenge you can shoot it in the “EOYASPBB&C.”
When using .22’s on falling steel, either visual or audible hits will be scored even if the plates don’t fall.
Cost for the match is $20 per shooter, maximum of 2 guns per shooter.
15 years old and younger are FREE!
Price does include a ticket to win a Ruger 1219 rifle, the drawing will be held at the end of the match.
Sign-up at 9:30 AM, shooting starts at 10 AM. Pre-registration is available now at Practiscore.com.
Let’s have some safe fun and burn up that tired old ammo and powder. we’ll see you at the “End Of Year All-Steel Powder Burn Bang & Clang!”