3rd Saturday Rifle Match
TGC 3rd Saturday Rifle Match
Match Description
The TGC 3rd Saturday rifle match takes place each month at the 200-yard rifle range. See the match schedule page for exact dates and times. The match consists of three separate matches. A 22LR 50-yard benchrest match, a 100-200 yard centerfire bench rest match, and a 22LR silhouette match. Shooters may participate in one match, or all three.
The 22LR bench rest match is based on the American Rimfire Association (ARA) 50-yard course of fire. Shooters will fire at standard ARA rimfire paper targets from the bench.
The centerfire match alternates between 100 and 200 yards, hunter class, and varmint class, depending on the month. Shooters will fire at standard International Bench Rest Shooters (IBS) bench rest paper rifle targets from the bench.
The 22LR silhouette match consists of four steel targets at different distances. Shooters will fire 10 rounds at each steel target for score.
Contact: Johnny Gentry