TGC Looking for Volunteers to Staff The Next Gun Show

TGC will have a membership recruiting booth at the next Murphy Gun & Knife Show coming up on February 1 and 2. We need volunteers to staff the booth for those two days.

Hours of the show are 9-5 Saturday, 9-4 Sunday.

Please get with Jim Taylor if you can help out during that weekend to promote your gun club.


For more information about the show click here.


Help Needed – Range Closed

TGC needs help Dec. 27 to set up the 2nd. annual Bang and Clang match, this is the clubs biggest fund raiser of the year. If you can help we need you,  this is all Steel and will take all day to set up starting time 8 or anytime you can be there THANKS.

All Pistol Bays and the 200 yard Range will be CLOSED Dec. 28 for the Bang and Clang Match, the 600 Yard range will remain Open.

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