Good Day

Got to go to the Range yesterday, was I Surprised the 200 yard range had 2 open benches when I moved to the 600 yard range only to find a waiting line for a bench, I’m very proud of or Club and it looks like we have put our money in the right places. Good Shooting.

2nd Annual Year End All Steel Powder Burn Bang & Clang

Make room on your Calendar December 28, 2019. TGC will be hosting it’s second annual Year End All Steel Powder Burn Bang & Clang Match!

Last year was a load of fun and Match Director Art Skupien promises more steel, more rounds and more fun this year. This is a OUTLAW match based on moving courses of fire, all calibers .22 thru 45’s are welcome, including PCC.

So don’t forget, December 28. More information to come.

Sign up online starting November 1 at Practiscore.

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