All TGC Matches Return in June 2020!
Well, it appears we’ve made it through the worst of it and we’re ready to get these Gun Club matches fired back up! Thank goodness.
A Place for Shooters in the Ark-La-Tex!
Well, it appears we’ve made it through the worst of it and we’re ready to get these Gun Club matches fired back up! Thank goodness.
All matches at the Texarkana Gun Club have been cancelled until further notice. This now includes all matches in April.
The club is not closed… shooting can be done as an individual sport like running or walking. Club members can still go and use your club, just keep it way under 10 people and maintain your distance between each other please.
Stay in your homes as much as you can.
When you’re out, stay 6 feet apart from other people.
Wash your hands for 20 seconds several times a day.
For more information visit or locally
Let’s beat this thing and get back to shooting.
Thank goodness we can still make things go BANG in America huh? Here are the results of the TGC 3rd Saturday Rifle Match held on March 21, 2020.
Rifle Match Scores for March 21, 2020
Apparently Johnnie’s better half, Joyce Gentry’s computer went belly up, we do have a photo of the results below though… » Read more
Here are your 3rd Saturday Rifle Match scores for the match held on Saturday, January 18, 2020.
Rifle Match Scores for January 18, 2020
Here are your 3rd Saturday Rifle atch scores from the match help on Saturday, October 19, 2019.
Rifle Match Scores for October 19, 2019
Here are your 3rd Saturday Rifle Match scores from the match held on Saturday, September 21.
Rifle Match Scores for September 21, 2019
Here are your scores from the 3rd Saturday Rifle Match held last weekend on August 17.
Rifle Match Scores for August 17, 2019
TGC’s 3rd Saturday Rifle Match took place this past Saturday, here are your scores!
Rifle Match Scores for July 20, 2019