Prayers Requested for Art Skupien – Scheduled for Back Surgery Wednesday


Art’s wife, family and friends at the Texarkana Gun Club are requesting your thoughts and prayers as he is scheduled for back surgery tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14, in Plano, Texas.

I don’t know what time the surgery begins but please keep Art in your thoughts tomorrow for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.

Thank you,


Range Fees – New Officers – Match Fees – August Renewal

Range Fees Going Up? Kind of…

There will be a $25 range maintenance fee applied to each membership starting at renewal time in 2021. However, you can get this fee waived simply by participating in Club projects, range clean up days, set up/takedown for matches, working the TGC Table at a Gun Shows and more. » Read more

Steel Challenge Results for July 2020

What a match, and from what I hear, the big guns showed up last Saturday to fight the heat and ring that steel in July’s Steel Challenge at your Texarkana Gun Club! The match results have been posted on and uploaded to the Steel Challenge website.

Don’t miss the August Steel Challenge match on Saturday, August 8, sign up online so we know you’re coming.


USPSA Match Cancelled for May – However, We May Be Able to Restart Matches Next Weekend with the Steel Challenge

Yep, we’re missing doing them as much as you’re missing shooting in them but we’re going to have to cancel the USPSA match for this first weekend of May as well. However, things are looking pretty good to get our TGC Matches restarted with the Steel Challenge match on the second Saturday. The official decision will be made early next week so stay tuned.

If you have already registered for the May USPSA Match please log into Practiscore and make sure you are still registered for the June 6 match. If not, make whatever changes you need to. we hope to see you then!


TGC Matches Succumb to Covid-19

All matches at the Texarkana Gun Club have been cancelled until further notice. This now includes all matches in April.

The club is not closed… shooting can be done as an individual sport like running or walking. Club members can still go and use your club, just keep it way under 10 people and maintain your distance between each other please.

Stay in your homes as much as you can.

When you’re out, stay 6 feet apart from other people.

Wash your hands for 20 seconds several times a day.

For more information visit or locally

Let’s beat this thing and get back to shooting.


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