Officer Changes And More At Your TGC Meeting In August

txk gun club logo-1903x1882If you missed the meeting last Tuesday, August 23, you missed a lot.

The officers and membership would like to thank outgoing President Bill Vickers for his time and service to the Club and at the same time welcome incoming President Jim Taylor. Jim is a long-time member of the club and past President as well.

Other changes include Jim Standridge stepping down as Secretary, replaced by Bradley Tucker. Jim will stay on as webmaster. Also, Membership Director duties will be added to Treasurer Ron Hoehn. Thanks to all for volunteering their time and talents.

We had over 100 members show up to renew their membership and the get their new keys.

By the way, the “double lock” system is currently on the gate and will remain that way until September 30. At that point only the new lock will be on the gate. If you’re planning on renewing, be sure you get that done soon. The lock configuration looks like the picture below, please keep it this way so members can use either key until the old lock is removed.

Thank you!

TGC double lock system



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