TGC USPSA Match for October 2017


Great turn out today and great weather for your TGC October USPSA match. Our thanks to all those that drove a good clip to shoot with us today, including the Jerry & Kay Miculek, the Sharps from New Zealand and of course our usual friends that drive in from around Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas.

Your scores are posted in Practiscore.

If you can, join us next weekend for the first-ever Bonnie & Clyde Steel Shootout! It’s going to be fun and you might just win you some money!




Rifle Shooters, Saturday Compromise = Good News For You

The first Saturday of each month, except January, is always a USPSA match, second Saturday always a Steel Match, and since that normally means the rifle range is closed during match times, that sure makes it difficult for rifle shooters that may need a little trigger time early on a Saturday morning. Well, your USPSA and Steel Challenge Match Directors are working out a compromise when they can by not using the Woods Bay during specific matches this will allow rifle range use even though a pistol match is going on as well. » Read more

USPSA For April: Classifier Match!

Greg and Jessica - shooting classifier stage
Greg and Jessica - shooting classifier stage

Greg and Jessica – shooting classifier stage

Hey USPSA Shooters, April’s match at the Texarkana Gun Club on Saturday, April 1, will be a Classifier Match featuring 5 Classifier stages and 2 regular stages. Round count should be approximately 140 for the day.

Here are the Classifier stages that have been chosen for this match:

If you’re a new shooter in USPSA and trying to get classified, this should get you there a little quicker. If you have been trying to get classified with a different gun type like Production, Single Stack or Carry Optics, hopefully, this match will put you over the top.

Good luck!

Texarkana Gun Club – March 2017 USPSA Match Results

Tim running the PCC
Tim running the PCC

Tim running the PCC

Another great bunch of shooters for our 2nd USPSA match of the year. We had several new shooters drive from parts unknown as well; Greenville, TX and more from Shreveport/Bosier. Thanks to all who made the trip, we hope you enjoyed yourselves and will come back to see us soon.

Here is your Practiscore link for the match results.

Our April match is going to be a Classifier Match featuring 5 Classifier stages and 2 regular stages. Round count should be a about 130. We will post the Classifier stages as we get closer to April 1.


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