TGC 600-Yard Precision Rifle Challenge – Benefit Match Is Saturday, May 11

Your Texarkana Gun Club 600-Yard Precision Rifle Challenge Benefit Match is now scheduled for Saturday, May 11th.
Check-in is at 8:30 AM, rounds downrange at 9.
Match fee is $25 payable at match check-in.
Expect 50 rounds.
Maximum of 30 caliber, 3200 fps speed limit.
The proceeds from this match, along with the rest of the TGC May matches, will be donated to help support Mr. Jay Tucker, who is a dedicated member of our club that is in need of support due to medical issues. We will also have raffle tickets available for a .22 rifle at $10 each.
If you’d like to shoot the rifle match, please email so we’ll know how many to expect.
In addition to the 600-yard match, the club will also shoot the monthly Steel Challenge match on this date. We hope to see you at the range! –