Steel Challenge CANCELED For February, 2021
The February 13 Steel Challenge Match has been CANCELED due to a weather forecast of 20-31 degrees, hope to see everyone on a warm sunny day on March 13.
Good Shooting!
A Place for Shooters in the Ark-La-Tex!
The February 13 Steel Challenge Match has been CANCELED due to a weather forecast of 20-31 degrees, hope to see everyone on a warm sunny day on March 13.
Good Shooting!
Notes For February 1, 2021: » Read more
Hey TGC Members/USPSA Shooters!
Due to a couple of our usual setup guys not being available on Friday, February 5 to help with the USPSA match setup, we sure could use some help from you.
Kelly will be there around 8:30 AM Friday morning to get started and it usually takes a couple of hours, the more help he gets, the faster it goes.
Remember club members, this will qualify to erase the $25 range maintenance fee that starts this year. So, if you want your yearly club dues to remain at $75 instead of $100, this will do it. You can also choose to do other things like Bay cleanup, range improvements, work a Gun Show representing the club, and so on. Setting up matches is just one of the many ways you can remove the $25 Range Maintenance Fee which will be due in August with your regular dues.
Thanks in advance!
There has been a recurring problem with the club property being left in disarray and being misused. This includes target stands left on the ranges, as well as trash and boxes piled up in the bays/ranges. » Read more
There was some speculation with Art being out recouping from back surgery that there might not be a USPSA and Steel Challenge match in November. Fear not #pewpewlife brothers and sisters, the November matches are on.
Sign up online through
Art’s wife, family and friends at the Texarkana Gun Club are requesting your thoughts and prayers as he is scheduled for back surgery tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14, in Plano, Texas.
I don’t know what time the surgery begins but please keep Art in your thoughts tomorrow for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.
Thank you,
The two-lock system will be returning to one lock on October 15. If you haven’t renewed your TGC Membership, now is the time. » Read more
Well, TGC USPSA shooters we regret to inform you that our match scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, September 5, will have to be cancelled due to too much rain! Not rain on Saturday mind you but too much rain in August, of all months, and this week as well.
Texarkana is coming off the wettest August ever and this week we’ve had several toad stranglers in a row. Almost all of the pistol bays are nothing but mud right now and there’s no way it will dry up enough to be workable by tomorrow, so for the first time I can recall for an August match, we have to call it.
Everything should be fine by next weekend for the Steel Challenge match if it will stop raining for a few days.
We hope to see you next month for the USPSA match on Saturday, October 3.
Since our renewal is underway, some people already have new keys, some won’t have them until next Tuesday, August 25 at the TGC meeting, and still others won’t get theirs until sometime in October. So, for now, we have two locks on the gates to the Gun Club. This image is how it’s supposed to look.