‘Maintenance Fee’ Proposal to be Voted on at July TGC Meeting

Texarkana Gun Club President Jim Taylor has proposed a $25 Club Maintenance Fee be enacted by the Club essentially raising the yearly renewal dues to $100 instead of $75.

This proposal will be hashed out and put up for a vote at the next Club meeting on July 28, 2020.

There’s a real frustration that in a club with around 350 members that we can’t get more than 10 to 15 to volunteer for work projects, cleanup days, even set up and tear down of matches. It’s always the same people doing the heavy lifting time after time. So the thought process is: If you’re not going to show up and help every now and then, then you should pay more for membership than those who do.

In reality, all they want is more participation from the members, so the Maintenance Fee would be waived for those that do participate and help.

Details for the proposal are still being worked out. Come join us at the next meeting if you have any constructive ideas along these lines.

We would love to see you there.


Texarkana Gun Club Officers