Farewell To Ron Hoehn and We Have a New TGC P.O. Box

If you haven’t heard yet Ron Hoehn, who has been our Treasurer and Membership Director for several years has decided to sell his home and “sorta” retire at his vacation home in Missouri. Ron has been a tremendous asset to our gun club for a long time and we can’t thank him enough for his service to TGC. » Read more


Well, we had a GOOD run, 2 years and no damaged Poppers. That ended last week with a DUMB ASS shooting 3 poppers in bay 4, cost to TGC about $300 and a half day of work to replace them. I’m sure the shooter doesn’t care about that either. To the shooter, would you please come to the January meeting, pay for the poppers, turn your key in, and get the HELL out of TGC. If you know who did this please contact any officer of TGC.


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