Farewell To Ron Hoehn and We Have a New TGC P.O. Box

If you haven’t heard yet Ron Hoehn, who has been our Treasurer and Membership Director for several years has decided to sell his home and “sorta” retire at his vacation home in Missouri. Ron has been a tremendous asset to our gun club for a long time and we can’t thank him enough for his service to TGC. » Read more

TGC Membership Director – Anyone Interested?

Ron Hoehn, our current Membership Director and Treasurer, is interested in splitting out the position of Membership Director and continue the duties of Treasurer. The fact is that neither job is easy, both are time-consuming, when you put them both together it’s a bit much for one volunteer to take on.

If you are interested in this position with the club, please let club President Jim Taylor and/or Ron know, especially if you have any questions.