Practical Precision Rifle Match – May 28

The next Precision Rifle Match at the 600-yard range will be Saturday, May 28 at 9 AM. » Read more
A Place for Shooters in the Ark-La-Tex!
The next Precision Rifle Match at the 600-yard range will be Saturday, May 28 at 9 AM. » Read more
Well, it appears we’ve made it through the worst of it and we’re ready to get these Gun Club matches fired back up! Thank goodness.
All matches at the Texarkana Gun Club have been cancelled until further notice. This now includes all matches in April.
The club is not closed… shooting can be done as an individual sport like running or walking. Club members can still go and use your club, just keep it way under 10 people and maintain your distance between each other please.
Stay in your homes as much as you can.
When you’re out, stay 6 feet apart from other people.
Wash your hands for 20 seconds several times a day.
For more information visit or locally
Let’s beat this thing and get back to shooting.
Second Saturday of February is this weekend and it should be a bang-up day at your Texarkana Gun Club!
Match Director, Cody Barrett says the next Precision Rifle Challenge match is scheduled for Saturday, September 29 on the 600-yard range. » Read more
Rifle Shooters – The next Precision Rifle Challenge will be Saturday, August 4th at 8:00 AM. » Read more
Yesterday was the last Saturday of March 2018 and it was TGC’s second 600-yard Rifle Match! What a Happy Easter Weekend indeed! » Read more
The Texarkana Gun Club Precision Rifle Challenge is back by popular demand. The match will be on Saturday, March 31 on the TGC 600-yard range, you have to pre-register, see below for details.
Match Details:
This match will consist of five separate stages. Shooters will be divided into groups, and each group
will shoot simultaneously on different stages. Four of the stages will be shot from shooter’s choice of
bench or prone. One stage will be a “field position†type stage fired from a barricade. Time limit for all
stages is 2.5 minutes. Bipods, sandbags, 2-piece front/rear rests will be allowed. One piece rests such as
lead sleds will not be allowed.
Shooters should show up with their rifles zeroed, and drop data out to 600 yards. Targets may be at ranges other than 100 yard increments. Shooters should bring a rifle in a caliber 223 up to 300 Win mag that is capable of reasonable accuracy, a scope that is easily adjustable for different ranges, and at least 40 rounds of ammo. 3200 fps maximum muzzle velocity.
Match check-in will start at 8:15 am. The match should begin by 9:00 am.
Targets will be steel plates of various shapes and sizes including circles, squares, and silhouettes.
You MUST pre-register for the match at the following link:
Squads will be set the morning of the match. Ignore any squad related messages.
Payment will be due the morning of the match. The fee is $15 for club members, $20 for nonmembers.
Match and registration questions can be emailed to Cody Barrett at
Shooters must obey all TGC range rules. This is a cold range. Bolts open and detachable magazines
removed at all times. If you don’t have a detachable magazine, the rifle must be unloaded with the bolt
open. Do not close the bolt, or load any firearms until you are on the firing line pointed down range.
Make sure your rifle is safe and clear with bolt open before showing up to the range.
Course of Fire:Â